Friday, May 15, 2020

Essay On Ted Bundy - 1250 Words

The main purpose of this defense essay is to understand what drove Theodore Robert Bundy to commit the crimes he is accused of. After reading and listening to interviews with Ted Bundy and reading expert opinion, it is my conclusion Bundy knew his actions were wrong but the impulse overrode reasoning. The defense, the M’Naghten Rule – irresistible impulse defense would fit the Bundy crimes of murder and rape of young women. The craving and increasing desire to live out the murder and rape fantasy would be a daily thought for many years that started as an impressionable child. The fantasies filled a void for the inadequacy he felt throughout life. After researching Bundy’s life, he lacked the ability to connect to people. At an age early†¦show more content†¦With Ted feeling excluded in his family life, he would find comfort retreating to his fantasy world. Ted was a preteen when learning of his illegitimacy from a cousin (Carlise). This information has a significant impact in his life and self-worth. He blamed his mother for the deceit, but didn’t want to confront her about it. In an interview describing the discovery, he says â€Å"I didn’t allow myself to think about it. Like other things I didn’t want to face, I turned to my hero fantasies and to masturbation† (Carlise). Al Carlise Ph.D. wrote how fantasy and dissociation is linked, â€Å"When a person is totally absorbed in a fantasy, he dissociates everything around him. Anger and emptiness become the energy and motivating forces behind the fantasy. While in the fantasy the person experiences a sense of excitement and relief. However, when it is over there is still a feeling of emptiness because the fantasy has whetted an appetite for the real thing, which he anticipates will be even more enjoyable than the fantasy.† There’s a strong forc e to shift back and forth from reality and fantasy. Ted wasn’t aware creating an alternate fantasy personality he was â€Å"creating neural circuits in his brain which could become permanent mental representatives of this personality† (Carlise). In the interview with Al Carlise Ph.D., Bundy shares his first introduction to pornography and violence. It started with a book he found in the trash thatShow MoreRelated Ted Bundy Essay2768 Words   |  12 Pages Ted Bundy 2 Ted Bundy: A Personality Comparison With The Theories Of Rollo May and Albert Bandura The objective of this case study is to examine the personality of one of the most notorious serial killers in modern history, Ted Bundy. Ted Bundy was alleged to have humiliated, tortured and murdered at least 50 women. Possibility more, but the true number will never be known. 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